Internet Info 1994 March
Internet Info CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
610 lines
nam tncbug
* Copyright 1987 by Marc Kaufman, WB6ECE
* All Rights Reserved.
* Permission is given for non-commercial use and distribution,
* provided that this notice is retained.
* Boot and debug ROM module for the TAPR TNC1
* Written by Marc Kaufman, WB6ECE
* Correction history:
* 3/87 WB6ECE - Initial Release
* NOTE -
* It may seem to be overkill to have a debug program that is
* (possibly) bigger than the program it loads. But a few well
* chosen features make it easier to bring software up.
* Based on Motorola's 'mikbug' programs, but entirely rewritten
* Commands (see documentation for full description)
* G Go to target program
* M or @ Memory examine/change
* P Poke memory without readback
* S Display contents of target stack
* R or # Register examine/change
* D Dump 8 bytes of memory
* W Watch memory location for changes
* L Load a Program into RAM (S-record format)
* Hardware addresses
acia equ $2010 6551 UART
acchar equ acia
acstat equ acia+1
accmnd equ acia+2
acctrl equ acia+3
pia equ $2020 6520 parallel output
pra equ pia register A
pcra equ pia+1 control A
prb equ pia+2 register B
pcrb equ pia+3 control B
via equ $2040 6522 timer chip
vorb equ via output register B
vora equ via+15 output register A, no handshake
vddrb equ via+2 data direction register B
vddra equ via+3 data direction register A
vacr equ via+11 auxiliary control register
vpcr equ via+12 peripheral control register
vifr equ via+13 interrupt flag register
vier equ via+14 interrupt enable register
* NOTE: this chip inverts Address and Data leads!! (both)
hdlc equ $2800 WD 1933 HDLC chip
hcr1 equ hdlc+7 control register 1
hcr2 equ hdlc+6 control register 2
hcr3 equ hdlc+5 control register 3
hrhr equ hdlc+4 receive holding register
hthr equ hdlc+3 transmit holding register
hir equ hdlc+3 interrupt register
hsr equ hdlc+2 status register
ram equ $0000 bank 0 ram ($0000 - $1fff)
ram1 equ $4000 bank 1 ram ($4000 - $5fff)
rom equ $e000 top rom ($e000 - $ffff)
CR equ $0d carriage return
LF equ $0a line feed
org ram data starts in low ram
* interrupt re-vector area: parallel to fff0-ffff
igo rmb 2 0000 - program start point
iswi3 rmb 2 0002
iswi2 rmb 2 0004
ifirq rmb 2 0006
iirq rmb 2 0008
iswi rmb 2 000a
inmi rmb 2 000c - last vector used
ireset rmb 2 full reset
cksum rmb 1 loader checksum
bytect rmb 1 loader byte count
addr rmb 2 loader address field
echofl rmb 1 flag to enable character echo (0 = off)
svchr rmb 1
svchra rmb 1
svchrx rmb 2
oldval rmb 4 for watching
newval rmb 4
saves rmb 2 saved stack pointer
rmb 12 initial stack, big enough for irq push
myistack equ *
rmb 50
mystack equ * stack space for debugger
* interrupt vector list
org $fff2 interrupt vectors
fdb jswi3
fdb jswi2
fdb jfirq
fdb jirq
fdb jswi
fdb jnmi
fdb bugstart
* main code space
org $f800 top 2K, so it fits into 2716
* just to get it over with, interrupt re-vectoring goes here
jswi3 jmp [iswi3]
jswi2 jmp [iswi2]
jfirq jmp [ifirq]
jirq jmp [iirq]
jswi jmp [iswi]
jnmi jmp [inmi]
* Main startup of debug monitor - on reset
orcc #$50 turn off interrupts (FIRQ + IRQ)
sta <echofl turn off uart echo
tfr a,dp clear base page register
* reset 6520
sta pcra disable pia-A
sta pcrb disable pia-B
* reset 6522
sta vpcr clear CA2 to reset HDLC chip
sta vacr reset 6522 timer and shift register
ldd #$fff0
sta vora set A output bits to '1'
stb vddra turning off NOVROM access
ldd #$ff3f
sta vorb set B output bits to '1'
stb vddrb driving NOVROM address to all 1's
lda #$ce
sta vpcr reset 6522 control modes (CA2 = 1)
lda #$7f
sta vier disable all 6522 interrupts
sta vifr clear all 6522 interrupts
lds #0
ldx #bugcont default return for interrupts
lda #8 number of things to fill
.initi stx 0,s++
bne .initi
ldx #bugstart full reset
stx <ireset
lds #myistack private stack
lda #14 9600 baud select for acia
bsr areset start at 9600 (hunt mode)
.initb jsr arcv read a character
cmpb #CR look for CR at 9600
beq bugcont OK as is (stay at 9600)
ldb #12
cmpa #$e6
beq .bset 4800 baud
ldb #10
cmpa #$78
beq .bset 2400 baud
ldb #8
cmpa #$80
beq .bset 1200 baud
ldb #6
tsta (300 baud)
bne .initb none of the above, continue waiting
.bset orb #$10 8 bit word, 1 stop, internal clock
stb acctrl
swi get to bugcont via interrupt
* reentry point, does not reset acia speed or vectors
bugcont orcc #$50 turn off interrupts (FIRQ + IRQ)
tfr a,dp clear base page register
sts <saves save user stack pointer
contrl lds #mystack
bsr acrlf send prompt (cr-lf->)
lda #'>'
bsr asend
lda acchar trash any character in the receiver
clr <echofl turn off echo
cnget jsr arcv get command character
stb <svchr save it (upper case)
ldy #ctable
cloop lda 0,y+
beq cnget not found, ignore
ldx 0,y++
cmpa <svchr
bne cloop
bsr asend echo command
bsr outs add space
sta <echofl turn on echo
jmp 0,x execute command
ctable fcb 'G' command action table
fdb go
fcb 'M'
fdb change
fcb '@'
fdb change
fcb 'P'
fdb poke
fcb 'S'
fdb sregs
fcb 'R'
fdb rregs
fcb '#'
fdb rregs
fcb 'D'
fdb dump
fcb 'W'
fdb watch
fcb 'L'
fdb load
fcb CR
fdb contrl
fcb 0 end of table
* ACIA routines
* ARESET - reset acia (interrupts off)
* enter - Speed code in A
areset sta acstat Programmed reset
anda #$0f isolate speed code
ora #$10 8 bit word, 1 stop, internal clock
sta acctrl
lda #$0b no parity, enable xmt, rcv, no interrupt
sta accmnd
* ASEND - send one character to acia (busy wait)
* enter - character in A
asend ldb acstat
bitb #$10
beq asend wait for previous character to clear
sta acchar send this one
* ACRLF - print cr,lf
acrlf lda #CR cr
bsr asend
lda #LF lf
bra asend
* PRINT - print a string
* entry - address of string in X
print lda 0,x+ get next character
beq .prix done
bsr asend
bra print
.prix rts
* OUT2H - put out hex digit (2 output bytes)
* entry - address of byte in X
out2h lda 0,x+
sta <svchr
bsr outhl output left digit
lda <svchr
bra outrl output right digit
outhl lsra output left hex digit
outrl anda #$f output right hex digit
adda #'0'
cmpa #'9'
bls asend 0-9
adda #'A'-'9'-1
bra asend A-F
out4hs bsr out2h output 2 bytes plus space
out2hs bsr out2h output 1 byte plus space
outs lda #' '
bra asend
out8hs bsr o4h output 4 bytes separated by spaces
o4h bsr out2hs
bra out2hs
echoa bsr acrlf echo address
ldx #addr
bsr out4hs print it
ldx <addr restore address to X
* ARCV - wait for and read one character from acia
* exit - character in A (8 bits)
* character in B (masked to 7 bits and upper case)
arcv ldb acstat
bitb #$08
beq arcv wait for character to arrive
lda acchar
andb #$7f
cmpb #'a'
blt .arcve not alphabetic
cmpb #'z'
bgt .arcve
subb #'a'-'A' convert to upper case
.arcve tst <echofl echo this character?
beq .arcvx no
std <svchrx yes, save character
bsr asend echo upper case variant
ldd <svchrx
.arcvx rts
* INHEX - read a single hex digit into B
inhex bsr arcv get a character
inhexa subb #'0' enter here if character in B already
lbmi contrl error
cmpb #9
ble .in1hg in decimal range, OK
cmpb #'A'-'0'
lbmi contrl not A-F
cmpb #'F'-'0'
lbgt contrl
subb #'A'-'9'-1
.in1hg rts
* BYTE - read a hex byte (two frames)
* exit with character in A, cksum updated
byte bsr inhex get hex character
byteb aslb
stb <svchr save it
bsr inhex
addb <svchr
addb <cksum
stb <cksum
bytea bsr inhexa have character already, enter late
bra byteb
* GETA - read a hex address
* exit with address in 'addr' and X
geta bsr byte read 2 frames
sta <addr
bsr byte
sta <addr+1
ldx <addr
* G - go to program... via rti
go lds <saves location of return stack
* M - change memory (M AAAA DD NN)
change bsr geta get starting address
bsr outs
bra .cha52
.cha51 bsr echoa echo address to examine
.cha52 jsr out2hs print (old) data
stx <addr save next address
bsr arcv input one character
cmpb #CR
beq .cha51 CR, go to next address
bsr bytea input new data
sta 0,-x change memory
cmpa 0,x
beq .cha51 did store correctly
lda #'?'
jsr asend error in store, print value seen
jsr out2hs
bra .cha51 continue anyway
* P - poke memory (P AAAA NN)
poke bsr geta get starting address
jsr outs
bra .pok5a
.pok51 jsr echoa echo address to poke
.pok5a jsr arcv input one character
cmpb #CR
beq .pok52 skip this address
bsr bytea input data to poke
sta 0,x store it
.pok52 inx
stx <addr next address
bra .pok51 continue
* S - print registers from stack (CC A B DP X Y U PC S)
sregs ldx #srhead
jsr print
ldx <saves saved stack pointer
jsr out2hs condition codes
jsr out2hs A
jsr out2hs B
jsr out2hs DP
jsr out4hs X
jsr out4hs Y
jsr out4hs U
jsr out4hs PC
ldx #saves
jsr out4hs S
jmp contrl
srhead fcc ' CC A B DP X Y U PC S'
fcb CR,LF
fcc,n ' '
* R - (R r DD NN) examine and change individual stack registers
rregs jsr arcv get register name
stb <svchra
ldy #rtable look up register name and offset
rloop lda 0,y+ get register name
lbeq contrl not found
ldx 0,y++ offset and length
cmpa <svchra
bne rloop not this one, keep looking
jsr outs add space after register name
tfr x,d move offset to A, length to D
ldx <saves user stack pointer
leax a,x address of register value
tsta special cases
bpl rlmod
ldx #saves stack pointer case
rlmod stx <addr save address of field
stb <svchra save length of field
bne rlp4 print long field
jsr out2hs
bra rlp
rlp4 jsr out4hs
rlp ldx <addr saved address of field
jsr byte first byte of field
sta 0,x+
tst <svchra is this a long field
lbne contrl no
jsr byte modify second byte of field
sta 0,x
jmp contrl
rtable fcb 'C',0,0 condition codes
fcb 'A',1,0 A
fcb 'B',2,0 B
fcb 'D',1,2 D
fcb 'G',3,0 DP
fcb 'X',4,2 X
fcb 'Y',6,2 Y
fcb 'U',8,2 U
fcb 'P',10,2 PC
fcb 'S',-1,2 S
fcb 0 end of table
* D - dump 8 bytes of memory (D AAAA) (D) TO CONTINUE
dump jsr geta get starting address
jsr outs
bra .dump1
.dlp jsr echoa
.dump1 jsr out8hs
stx <addr next address
jsr arcv
cmpb #'D' do we continue
beq .dlp yes
jmp contrl no
* W - watch memory (W AAAA)
* it re-displays on changes.
* type hex to make changes:
* space + hex changes, "-" does not.
* type CR to exit
watch jsr geta watch address
.w0 ldx <addr
lda 0,x
sta <oldval force print first time
.w1 ldx <addr
ldd 0,x get latest values
std <newval
ldd 2,x
std <newval+2
ldd <newval
cmpd <oldval
bne .wd different
ldd <newval+2
cmpd <oldval+2
beq .wa
.wd jsr acrlf print new value
ldx #newval
jsr out8hs
ldd <newval now turn print off
std <oldval
ldd <newval+2
std <oldval+2
.wa ldb acstat check for character pending
bitb #$08
beq .w1 no
jsr arcv get character
ldx <addr re-establish X register
cmpa #CR CR
lbeq contrl exit now
bra .wc1
.wc inx
jsr arcv
cmpa #CR CR
beq .w0 end of mods
.wc1 cmpa #'-' skip this byte?
beq .wc yes
cmpa #' '
lbne contrl exit
jsr byte get a new byte
sta 0,x
bra .wc
* L - load S-records
load equ *
clr <echofl turn off echo of load
.load1 jsr arcv
cmpb #'S'
bne .load1 wait for record start
jsr arcv get record type
pshs a save it
clr <cksum
jsr byte read a hex byte
suba #2
sta <bytect save record byte count
jsr geta get load address
puls a recover record type
cmpa #'9'
beq .load5 eof record, end of load
cmpa #'1'
bne .load1 not binary record, skip it
.load2 jsr byte read a byte
dec <bytect
beq .load3 if through with data
sta 0,x+
bra .load2
.load3 inc <cksum check checksum
beq .load1 cksum ok, get next line
.load4 lda #'?' error response
jsr asend
jmp contrl
.load5 jsr byte check checksum
dec <bytect
bne .load4 error, should be 3 bytes only
inc <cksum
bne .load4 error, checksum fails
cmpx #0
beq .load6 no start address given, dont store
stx <igo start address from eof record
.load6 ldx <igo starting address
ldy <saves
stx 10,y dump start address into PC field
jmp contrl done
end bugstart